Take advantage of interest that grows along with your balance and maintain access to funds at the same time.
Key Features
Tiered Interest
Direct Check Writing
Digital Banking
- Maximize larger balances
- Higher interest than regular savings:
- Tiered rate system; interest increases along with your balance
- Interest compounds and is credited monthly
- Avoid the $8 monthly service fee by maintaining a $10,000 balance
- Set up direct deposit for an easy way to build savings automatically
- Maintain access to funds (any combination of the following):
- Six free withdrawals per month by check, draft, or debit card to a third party
- Six free withdrawals per month by preauthorized transfers, ACH, or telephone
- Unlimited transfers and withdrawals available at teller window or ATM
- $500 minimum transfer or withdrawal amount
- Free Online Banking and Mobile App, including:
- Free Bill Pay
- Free Mobile Deposit
- Free eStatements
- Free P2P payments - SPIN
- $100 minimum deposit to open